§1. General provisions
- This is the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as „Privacy Policy”) and constitutes a supplement to the Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as „Terns of Use”) available at ultrakrew.pl/aplikacja and it defines and determines the amount, scope, type and method of processing the User’s (hereinafter referred to as „User”) data collected by the „GoKrew” mobile app (hereinafter „App”) available on devices operated by iOS or Android operating system, offered by Ultrakrew Association (Stowarzyszenie Ultrakrew) (hereinafter „Ultrakrew”) KRS 0000700359, Gen. Kazimierza Sosnkowskiego Street, 1C flat 8, 80-041 Gdańsk, Poland.
- Under the Privacy Policy, as User is referred every person using the App.
- Ultrakrew is the data administrator.
- Using the App means accepting Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
- Ultrakrew collects some of the data in the Database (hereinafter „Database”) as well as in the Firebase Database (hereinafter „Firebase Database”). Amount and method of data processing is explained by Privacy Policy.
§2. Automatically collected data
- Ultrakrew automatically collects statistical data to improve the operation of the App, error detection or demography analysis and anonymises it with available technology, therefore individual User cannot be identified by this data, not by Ultrakrew and not by any third party.
- Collection of statistical data takes place via Google Analytics tool, owned by Google LLC and operated under separate terms of use and privacy policy (policies.google.com/privacy), Google Play tool owned by Google LLC and operated under the same terms of use and privacy policy, as well as AppleStore owned by Apple Inc. operated by separate terms of use and privacy policy (www.apple.com/legal/privacy).
- Data collected automatically can by processed outside of European Economic Area.
- Ultrakrew does not share nor sell data collected automatically to third parties however reserves the right to create or generate via beforenamed services aggregated reports based on anonymous collected data.
- Data is collected automatically by the services named in 2.2 point of this document also before creating an account in the App.
- User is not able to not provide automatically collected data. Ultrakrew processes this type of data since installation of the App.
§3. Personal data
- Ultrakrew does not process any personal data of the User (hereinafter referred to as „personal data”) without User’s permission. Accepting Terms of Use and Privacy Policy by the User while creating account in the App is considered as permission.
- Providing personal data is necessary in order to create account in the App and Ultrakrew is entitled to require providing those. Denial of doing so by the User results in unavailability of using the App.
- Under Privacy Policy, as personal data personal data is considered: name, email address, individual internal User’s id, gender, date of birth.
- User’s personal data can be processed by Ultrakrew in order to provide functionalities in the App as well as in case of User winning the internal contest in the App.
- Ultrakrew does not sell, share nor compromises in any other way User’s personal data, except for case specified in point 3.6.
- Ultrakrew may share User’s personal data to a partner company after User’s explicit consent. In order to share their personal data, User must create an account in the App using company’s email address domain or modify existing account by adding such email address. The company processes following personal data: name, email address, individual internal User’s id and, in some cases, gender.
§4. Health data
- App collects and saves health data (hereinafter referred to as: „health data”) which is not processed by Ultrakrew nor any third party. Data is not saved on any external device, expect for User’s own. Health data always stays private and is used to calculate in-app health norms on device.
- As health data is considered: blood pressure, pulse, blood hemoglobin level, cholesterol level divided into cholesterol HDL, LDL and triglycerides.
- The norms using which the App calculates estimated User’s health state are available in the App.
§5. Location data
- The App, under User’s consent, collects the location data (hereinafter „location data”) and saves it on User’s device. Some of location data, which does not allow to precisely locate the User (hereinafter referred to as „approximate location data”) is sent to the Database and processed by Ultrakrew and partner companies, if User is an employee of the company, afterwards. Precise location data (hereinafter referred to as „precise location data”) are not processed by Ultrakrew nor any third party and stay on User’s device.
- As precise location data is considered: geographical coordinates of User’s location, map-path of the route User travelled during a workout, altitude, pace in specific locations, and accuracy of GPS signal.
- As approximate location data is considered: name of voivodeship, state or region, name of city or county and name of country.
- User can terminate the consent to collect location data at any time by switching off location services on User’s device. It does not affect the status nor state of the data collected beforehand.
- In order to delete approximate location data, User must follow the procedure of account deletion described in Terms of Use.
§6. Data collected during workout
- As part of the services offered by the App User is able to start a workout. Data collected during that activity (hereinafter referred to as „data collected during workout”) are saved on User’s device and then sent and stored in the Database. Partial data collected during workout is also shared to partner company, if User is an employee of that company.
- As data collected during workout is considered: individual internal User’s id, workout name, date of start and end of workout, duration, approximate location data, precise location data, average pace referred to entirety of the workout, distance travelled.
- In the Database Ultrakrew stores all data collected during workout except precise location data.
- Additionally distance travelled by the User during workout is anonymously added to the sum of all kilometres travelled by all Users stored in the Database as well as to the sum of all kilometres travelled by employees of a partner company, if User is an employee of that company. Distance cannot be removed during the process of account deletion.
§7. Data collected in the background
- The App collects location data in background after User’s consent since the begging of a workout and until the end of that workout, and never beyond this period.
- Data collection in the background is considered as collection of data when App is running but not actively used i.e. when User is using another application on their device after starting and before ending a workout.
- The App does not collect any other type of data in background.
§8. Data collected while adding blood donation
- User is entitled to add their blood donating history by providing in-app necessary data to create blood donation entry. This data (hereinafter „data collected while adding blood donation”) is saved on User’s device and then sent to Database, where it is stored. Ultrakrew does not process this data.
- As data collected while adding blood donation is considered: date of donation, duration of a disqualification period, quantity of donated blood, blood donation center and type of donation.
- If Ultrakrew will ever process the data collected while adding blood donation in the future, it refers to the data of which User explicitly consented to be processed.
§9. Processing data outside of European Economic Area
- Ultrakrew processes entirety of stored in the Database data in Republic of Poland.
- Data collected automatically can be processed outside of EEA in accordance to policies of the companies specified in §2 of Privacy Policy.
- Data collected by older versions of the App is stored in Firebase Database and may be processed outside of EEA. New versions of the App do not save any new data in Firebase Database, but it has access to the data already stored there. If necessary, data stored in Firebase Database are transported to the Database. Scope and method of processing and storing data in Firebase Database is defined in the terms of use and privacy policy of Google LLC, being the owner of brand Firebase, available under firebase.google.com/terms.
- The App can be downloaded only inside of EEA, but the User may use it outside of EEA. It does not change in any way the place of storing the data in the Database.
§10. Rights and obligations of the User
- User has the right to access their’s personal data, data collected during workout, health data and data collected while adding a blood donation by using the App.
- User may modify or supplement personal data (excluding individual internal User’s id), health data and data collected while adding a blood donation. User is not able to modify or supplement data collected during workout.
- User may delete any collected data: personal data, health data, data collected while adding a blood donation and data collected during workout apart from sum of the kilometres added to mutual distance of all users; at any time by deleting the account in the App in a way described in Terms of Use.
- In case of deleting collected by Ultrakrew personal data and data collected during workout, User loses right to use the App.
- User has the right not to accept any changes in the Terms of Use and in Privacy Policy, if any occurs, however is obliged to remove the App from their device as well as deleting the account in the way described in Terms of Use.
- After deleting the account, retrieving the removed data is not possible as it is permanently wiped out.
§11. Right and obligations of Ultrakrew
- Ultrakrew is obliged to process User’s data with care and respect of User’s privacy, only based on rules stated in Privacy Policy and in compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services.
- Ultrakrew guarantees to make every effort to make data in the Database unavailable to unauthorised third parties.
- Data in the Database and in the Firebase Database will be stored until User decides to delete it or Ultrakrew decides of its removal with prior notice for the User.
- Ultrakrew has the right to share data collected during workout without individual User’s id to promote the App.
§12. Contact with Ultrakrew
- In any case related to processing data of the User by Ultrakrew, the User may contact the data administrator, Ultrakrew. Preferred form of contact is electronic correspondence to email address gokrew@ultrakrew.pl.